We make the most of the wood we use
As part of Metsä Group, we use 100% of the wood raw material. From the most valuable parts of wood, the thick trunks, Metsä Group's production units manufacture wood products for construction, for example. The thinner parts of the tree trunk and the younger trees from thinning are the main raw materials for pulp and paperboard products. The bark and branches are used to generate bioenergy.
The manufacturing processes of Metsä Group's core products also generate side streams that are valuable raw materials for us and our partners in other industries. For example, wood chips and sawdust from sawmill side streams are supplied to the pulp and paperboard industry as a raw material for pulp, and our partners utilise tall oil in the production of biofuels, adhesives and paints. The bark and black liquor generated during the pulp production process are a significant source of renewable energy for our own production processes as well as for communities in the vicinity of our mills. Renewable energy generated from wood-based fractions accounts for about a half of Metsä Board's total energy consumption.