Our activities towards 2030
- Change to renewable fuels in our mills, so we will not emit fossil-based carbon dioxide into the atmosphere (Scope 1 emissions)
- Purchase fossil-free electricity and heat (Scope 2 emissions, market-based)
- We encourage our suppliers to set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets (Scope 3 emissions)
- Change to raw materials and packaging materials which are free of fossil carbon by finding solutions together in our value chain
- Keep forests vibrant, thriving and healthy by increasing their management and use in line with research-based recommendations
- Recommend that peatland forests be grown continuously to minimise the impact of forestry on water and to prevent unnecessary release of carbon sequestered in peat into the atmosphere
- Increase of wood-based products with long carbon sequestration time
Indicators by 2030
0 t of fossil-based CO2 emissions (Scope 1 & 2)
100% of fossil free raw materials and packaging materials
70% of target group suppliers have set SBTi targets by 2024 (Scope 3)
At Metsä Group level:
+30% regeneration and tending area in forest*
+50% forest fertilization area*
+30% continuous covered forestry in peatland forests
+30% carbon sequestered in products **
* hectares, compared to 2018
** CO2-ekvivalent, compared to 2018
Supporting UN sustainable development goals