Lighter and more functional cake packaging

“Together with their design agency, Viipurilainen Kotileipomo has put a lot of effort into creating a distinctive brand image. We were approached by them to facilitate a co-creation workshop at our Äänekoski Excellence Centre in central Finland, where everyone could be around the same table to innovate a new, simpler and more functional packaging design,” says Ilkka Harju, Packaging Services Director, EMEA at Metsä Board.

Viipurilainen Kotileipomo, a Finnish family bakery, was searching for a better packaging design for their cake boxes that would also make them faster to assemble in store.

Metsä Board facilitated a co-creation workshop at its Excellence Centre to innovate a design that would better convey Viipurilainen Kotileipomo’s fresh, dynamic brand image and lightweight the packaging.

Compared to the old cake box design, material usage dropped by 25% and weight by 17%. The new box is also quicker and easier to assemble.

The starting point

The old box had a lid and a bottom part that needed to be assembled separately.

The solution

The new design is a single construction and, because it uses MetsäBoard Prime FBB EB, it contains no PE plastic so it can be recycled just like regular paper or paperboard.  

New cake packaging concept

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