Sustainability year 2022 in brief

We are committed to sustainable business, protecting biodiversity, using resources efficiently, mitigating climate change and creating a healthy working environment. Here's a summary of how we achieved our goals.
Procurement from sustainable suppliers

Procumerent from sustainable suppliers

Goal is that we know the origin of our raw materials and with whom we cooperate across our value chain. Of spend: Supplier's commitment to the supplier Cde of Conduct 98%, complience evaluation passed 93%, sustainability evaluation passed 43% and traceability of raw materials 91,9 % (target for all 100 %).

Safeguargding biodiversity

In 2022, we did well in our biodiversity targets to increase the amount of decaying wood in commercial forests. Retention trees at regeneration sites 95% and high biodiversity stumps in harvesting sites 90%.

Safeguarding biodiversity


We use natural resources as efficiently as possible and reduce waste. Utilisation of side streams was 96% vs. 2018 (target 100%).


We use less water at our mills. Process water usage decreased by 7,4% m3/tonne produced vs. 2018 (tavoite - 25 %).


Mitigating climate change and reducing emissions

  • +2,8%

    forest regenerations and young stand management

    (vs. 2018, goal +30%)

  • 99,6%

    fossil free raw materials and packaging materials

    (vs. 2018, goal 100%)

  • -25%

    fossil-based carbon dioxide emissions

    (vs. 2018)

  • -12,4%

    the amount of carbon stored in wood products

    (vs. 2018, goal +30 %)


We promote safety and wellbeing at work

We promote safety and wellbeing at work

We want to ensure that our values are visible in the daily lives of all our employees, and that we treat each other respectfully. As a result Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) was 6.7 (goal 0) and Ethics index 85.2% (a survey measuring corporate culture, goal 100).