Contact form

To contact our business areas regarding their products and services, kindly use the links below. Use the form to contact Metsä Group. 

Are you looking to become a supplier for Metsä Group? We require our supplier candidates to fill out the supplier contact form, that you can find here.

Contact us

Please complete the following information to contact Metsä Group. We will respond to your request as soon as possible. If you are looking to contact any of our business areas, please use respective links above.

Kindly note that we do not accept open job applications via this form. All open positions are published here.

If you are looking to become a supplier for Metsä Group, please fill out the supplier contact form.

Form sent succesfully. Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Your information

Your information

Information you provide in this form is used and stored to process your request. We process personal information with care. Please review our privacy policy for more information.

Information you provide in this form is used and stored to process your request. We process personal information with care. Please review our privacy policy for more information.