Growth, with a future

Metsä Group is committed to the principles of regenerative forestry. Our goal is to verifiably strengthen the state of forest nature by 2030. Regenerative forestry is carried out every day in Finnish forests, and we are constantly improving our forest management services. We want to leave forests for future generations in a better condition than we have received them ourselves - more vibrant, diverse and climate resilient.

What is regenerative forestry?

In regenerative forestry, the aim is to increase the diversity of forests through various practical measures. In addition to a more diverse nature, the measures are financially profitable for the forest owner.

Our goal is to strengthen the value of natural capital together with the economic value generated by forests, as in addition to trees, commercial forests produce numerous vital natural benefits for both people and the environment. Nature benefits, or so-called ecosystem services, include, for example, clean water, pollinators, berries and mushrooms, recreational use and carbon sinks.

Regenerative forestry aims for more diverse and climate-resistant forests

Metsä Group Plus – management model for regenerative forestry

Metsä Group Plus is a wood trade specific management model aimed at owner members for strengthening the natural state of forests. An additional bonus per hectare is paid to forest owner for using the model. In the management model, biodiversity and forest nature are taken into account in even more detail than before when carrying out forest management. Measures to strengthen the state of forest nature are agreed with the forest owner in connection with the wood trade or young stand management.

  • 30,000

    Number of Metsä Group's annual wood trades

  • 1/3

    Share of Metsä Group Plus wood trades in H1/2024

  • 2030

    A target year in which the state of forest nature is measurably strengthened

Principles of regenerative forestry

On a practical level, regenerative forestry takes place as part of the daily forest management practised by our owner members. We have defined the principles of regenerative forestry, which guide measures to improve forest biodiversity, such as diversity of trees and improving the living conditions of different species in forests.

  • Utilizing native tree species

    Utilizing native tree species

  • Diversification of tree species

    Diversification of tree species

  • Adding old trees

    Adding old trees

  • Adding varied decayed wood

    Adding varied decayed wood

  • Diversification of structural features

    Diversification of structural features

  • Protection of valuable habitats

    Protection of valuable habitats

  • Improving the management of peatlands and water protection

    Improving the management of peatlands and water protection

  • Special measures for herb-rich forests, ridge areas and burned forest areas

    Special measures for herb-rich forests, ridge areas and burned forest areas

  • Species-specific measures

    Species-specific measures

  • Improving the biodiversity network

    Improving the biodiversity network

Forest owner takes part in regenerative forestry

Objectives and indicators of regenerative forestry

Metsä Group verifies the effects of regenerative forestry.

Key measures of biodiversity include, for example, tree species ratios, decaying trees and the age structure of forests. It is important that the indicators are common to the different actors and scientifically justified. For the state and development of biodiversity, it is important to focus information on this issue for use by both the public and private sectors.

The monitoring system should make use of existing inventory data and monitoring. In order to obtain sufficient comprehensive and reliable nature information, both new technology and species inventories carried out in the terrain are required.

Are you interested in collaboration?

We are constantly looking for collaborators on our journey towards regenerative forestry from different sectors of society, both public and private. If you are interested in cooperation with regenerative forestry, leave a contact request using the form.

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Information you provide in this form is used and stored to process your request. We process personal information with care. Please review our privacy policy for more information.