The new private track in Kemi completed

The new private track for the Kemi bioproduct mill was taken into use on October 26, when the first train ran along the new track to the existing mill.
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  • 2022, Kemi bioproductmill

The new private track for the Kemi bioproduct mill was taken into use on October 26, when the first train ran along the new track to the existing mill. At the same time, the old railway line will be decommissioned, which will improve traffic safety in the area by eliminating railroad crossings.

The new private track will allow smooth and safe transport of wood to the bioproduct mill. It will also allow the passage of electrically powered trains. Two thirds of the wood needed for the bioproduct mill, which will be completed in the third quarter of next year, will come by rail.

 “The completion of the private track is a real highlight of my work. I am especially proud about being able to participate in this industrial project that is very significant from a Finnish perspective,” says Pasi Pulkkinen, VP Logistics and Senior Project Manager of Metsä Fibre.

The Kemi bioproduct mill will be the world top regarding to material, environmental and energy efficiency. The mill will not use any fossil fuels at all.