VIP washrooms for May Day picnickers

Mass picnics in public parks are a traditional May Day happening in Finland. This year picnickers in Helsinki's Kaivopuisto Park were treated to a special surprise in the form of luxury portaloos supplied courtesy of Metsä Tissue, Pfizer, Oras and Berner.
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The May Day event was part of Pfizer’s “World’s Healthiest Nation 2015 - Wash Your Hands” campaign, which aims to draw people’s attention to everyday hand hygiene. In addition to Pfizer, Metsä Tissue, Berner and Oras, the campaign also received input from the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, the Finnish Society for Hospital Infection Control, the Infectious Disease Society of Finland and medical specialists from all across Finland.

Says Jussi Haapkylä, Away-from-Home Regional Marketing Manager, who is Metsä Tissue’s representative in the project:  “We are gladly participating in the campaign, since promoting good hand hygiene is a big part of the Katrin brand. We want to cooperate and build a network of experts to promote correct hand washing and drying and support people’s health in a fun way. It’s all for a very good cause!”

At the May Day event the four partners gave out 100 VIP passes entitling the holder of the pass to use a luxury toilet provided by Lassila & Tikanoja. Everyone who agreed to make a statement on camera about the importance of good hand hygiene received a VIP pass. The filmed material will be used later in the campaign. In addition to the luxury toilet, there were also two separate hand washing units. These were located right next to Kaivopuisto Park’s public portaloos, which was ideal since even those who didn’t have a pass were welcome to use the washstands. “Many people commented that this was an excellent service,” says Haapkylä.

This May Day event kicked off a series of events in which Metsä Tissue, Pfizer, Oras and Berner will remind people about the importance of the good hand hygiene.

Further information:
Jussi Haapkylä, Away-from-Home Regional Marketing Manager, NEE
Tel. +358 40 526 3675