The requirements of FSC® highlight the ecological values of forests

FSC certification has become increasingly common in Finland since 2011, and the scheme now encompasses around ten per cent of Finnish commercial forests. In its requirements, FCS emphasises ecological values, which is why some wood products retailers and end-users favour FSC-certified wood.

Join our FSC forest certification

As a contract customer of Metsäliitto Cooperative, you can join Metsä Group’s FSC group certificate and get your forests certified free of charge. If you would like to learn more about FSC certification, you can start by contacting your own forest specialist.

Join FSC certification through Metsä Group

  1. 1

    Let your forest specialist know that you want to join the FSC certification scheme.

  2. 2

    The forest specialist will review your forest plan to ensure it is up to date and, if required, will request a new plan.

    The forest specialist will agree with you on the measures required by FSC concerning special forestry measures and the exclusion of land from forestry use.

  3. 3

    The forest specialist always indicates, in the forest plan, the nature sites to be conserved and carries out a survey of the terrain, if required.

    This stage also clarifies whether Metsä Group’s nature site service would be useful for certification purposes.

  4. 4

    The preliminary audit will determine whether your forest meets all the requirements of certification.

  5. 5

    If the preliminary audit gives your forest the green light, the forest specialist will conclude an agreement on certification with you.

    You will also agree on FSC compensation and any use of the FSC nature site service.

Metsä Group’s FSC nature site service

FSC forest certification requires that forest owners permanently exclude at least five per cent of the surface area of forestland from forestry use. If your estate does not have five per cent of suitable land to exclude from forestry use, and if you are our contract customer, you have the option of making use of our FSC nature site service.

In this service, Metsä Group leases valuable nature sites to its contract customers who belong to the FSC group and whose estates do not offer suitable sites. This means that the forest owner does not need to protect commercial forest and ensures that protection measures target more valuable sites instead. The goal is to create a network of interconnected protected areas to form larger entities under protection.

The FSC nature site service enables protection to be outsourced partly or entirely. The cost-free service is available to our contract customers with at least 500 ha* of forest. If the forest estate is home to valuable nature sites, as defined by FSC, these must always be conserved. They cannot be ignored through the use of the nature site service.

*The five per cent protection requirement does not apply to forest owners with less than 20 ha of forest.

Four examples of how FSC certification shows in the forest

  • 5% of the surface area excluded from forestry use

    5% of the surface area excluded from forestry use

  • Retention trees

    Retention trees

  • Buffer zones

    Buffer zones

  • Sites that are always conserved

    Sites that are always conserved

The FSC requirements concerning forest use and management are reviewed and updated in extensive cooperation with stakeholders every five years. To learn more about the current requirements and status of updates, please visit the FSC website.

Logo license of Metsäliitto Cooperative's FSC group certification: FSC-C111942