Owners and management

Metsä Group’s Wood Supply and Forest Services – the Metsä Forest business area – is fully owned by Metsäliitto Cooperative, which comprises over 90,000 Finnish forest owners. A forest owner with at least three hectares of forestland in Finland can become a member of Metsäliitto Cooperative. Metsäliitto Cooperative’s owner-members own approximately half of Finland’s private forests.

Metsä Forest' s management

  • Juha Jumppanen

    Juha Jumppanen

  • Hannu Alarautalahti
    SVP, Production

    Hannu Alarautalahti

  • Tuukka Korkiatupa

    Tuukka Korkiatupa

  • Juha Laine
    SVP, Marketing and Communications

    Juha Laine

  • Reetta Lyytikäinen-Isonen
    SVP, HR

    Reetta Lyytikäinen-Isonen

  • Yrjö Perälä
    SVP, Customership

    Yrjö Perälä

  • Juho Rantala
    SVP, Development

    Juho Rantala

  • Jani Riissanen
    SVP, Wood Trade and Forest Services

    Jani Riissanen