Member benefits for Metsä owner-members

Metsä Group has over 90,000 owner-members throughout Finland. Together, they own around 50 per cent of Finland’s private forests. You can become a Metsä Group owner-member and enjoy our comprehensive member benefits if you own at least three hectares of forest land in Finland.

We buy 14-18 million cubic metres of wood from Metsäliitto Cooperative members every year. In 2023, we paid our members a record EUR 101 million in profit distribution, plus additional timber trade bonuses and price guarantees totalling around EUR 24 million*. The more active you are as a member, the better the financial benefits you will receive.

Become an owner-member here.

*Past returns are no guarantee of future returns.

Together, we can accomplish more – also in terms of money

The table contains examples of the benefits that Metsäliitto Cooperative’s owner-members gain from their membership at an annual level. The figures are based on the typical wood sales volumes of different customer segments and on the average sums in euros invested in members’ capital and the estimated cost levels.

The figures are indicative and based on the 2023 data.

  Member Membership benefit agreement customer Forest asset management agreement customer
Surface area of forest, hectares 40 hectares 90 hectares 170 hectares
Volume of wood sales per year, m3 140 m3 400 m3 800 m3
Members´capital (participation and additional shares), EUR 10 000 29 000 57 000
Benefits for owner members
Bonus on wood trade and forest management, EUR EUR 42 EUR 325 EUR 1,161
Adjustment of wood's price guarentee/contract customers, EUR - EUR 469 EUR 937
Continuously valid forest plan, EUR - - EUR 255
Up-to-date forest asset data, EUR - - EUR 170
Free annual plan, EUR - - EUR 425
Total membership benefits EUR 42 EUR 793 EUR 2,948
Metsäliitto Cooperative's profit distribution
Interest on members' capital, EUR* EUR 453 EUR 1,625 EUR 3,349
Profit distribution based on wood trade (calculation based on EUR 0.30 per m3), EUR* EUR 168 EUR 480 EUR 960
Total profit distribution EUR 621 EUR 2,105 EUR 4,309
Benefits of the equity bonus system in additional share investments**
EUR 16 EUR 134 EUR 454

*The figures concern past levels of interest on members’ capital and wood trade-based profit distribution determined in 2023, based on which no reliable assumptions can be made about future levels of interest on members’ capital or wood trade-based profit distribution. Taxes have not been taken into account in the table. The volumes of industrial roundwood received from members in the last four (4) calendar years are taken into account in Metsäliitto’s wood trade-based profit distribution. The example calculation of wood trade-based profit distribution is based on the assumption that the member has sold the indicated average volume of wood (m3) in every calendar year preceding profit distribution. Metsäliitto Cooperative’s 
Representative Council annually determines the profit distribution based on a proposal from the Board of Directors. No guarantee can be given on profit distribution.

** When investing in Metsä1 additional shares, owner-members accumulate equity bonuses, which – in the two calendar years following the year of subscription – they can use to subscribe for more Metsä1 additional shares with their wood trade income at a discounted rate of 85 per cent of the subscription price. The remainder of the subscription price is paid by Metsäliitto Cooperative in the form of a capitalisation issue. If an owner-member withdraws a Metsä1 additional share subscribed for with equity bonuses prior to the end of the restriction period, only the portion paid by the member will be returned to them.