Forest estates

Metsä Group cooperates with OP Koti, a real estate brokerage, in real estate transactions involving forest estates. This page contains the forest estates that OP Koti has on offer.

The location of the estates for sale are marked on the map below. You can also browse the estates by scrolling the list to the left. If you click on an interesting forest estate, you will be transferred to the OP Koti website. OP Koti will respond to more detailed questions about the estates for sale. You can find the relevant contact information in the same place as the information about the estate.

If you are planning to sell your forest estate, start by contacting your personal forest specialist at Metsä Group. The specialist is best acquainted with the various factors affecting the value of your estate. We will prepare an estate appraisal for you based on the forest resources inventory. With your consent, we will submit the estate appraisal to the OP Koti real estate agent, who will agree with you on the details related to the sale and draw up a brokerage agreement for your estate.