EU Taxonomy

Metsä Wood Kerto® LVL and spruce plywood products’ Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and M1 certification, in addition to Metsä Group’s Annual review includes information needed to support evaluation of EU Taxonomy alignment of a building, new or renovated.

The taxonomy is a classification system for the financial market based on Regulation (EU) 2020/852, valid as of the beginning of 2022. The taxonomy is listing economic activities sustainability in terms of climate and the environment. The taxonomy aims to direct money to sustainable investments in such a way that the EU can achieve the ambitious emission reduction targets it has set for itself. The EU Taxonomy is not a mandatory list for investors to invest in. It does not set mandatory requirements on environmental performance for companies or for financial products. 

The construction sector is included in the EU Taxonomy

Construction and real estate activities are one of the sectors included in the EU Taxonomy. Metsä Wood has evaluated its Kerto LVL and spruce plywood products’ alignment with activities ‘Renovation of existing buildings’ and ‘Construction of new buildings’. To be classified as taxonomy compliant, one can choose from 3 environmental objectives where it has substantial contribution. In addition, all relevant requirements of ‘Do no significant harm’ (DNSH) and minimum requirements must be met. Metsä Wood evaluation only includes criteria, where construction materials have direct impact on EU Taxonomy alignment. More information on EU Taxonomy and all requirements from:  

Metsä Wood Kerto LVL and spruce plywood products' contribution to EU taxonomy

Activity: Substantial contribution: Climate change mitigation Climate change adaptation Circular economy
Construction of new building & Renovation of existing buildings Substantial contribution criteria

DNSH Climate mitigation - Not relevant / not evaluated Not relevant / not evaluated
DNSH Climate adaptation Not relevant / not evaluated - Not relevant / not evaluated
DNSH Circular economy


DNSH Water Not relevant / not evaluated
DNSH Pollution prevention

DNSH Biodiversity Not relevant / not evaluated


The impact on Metsä Wood's business

The taxonomy’s technical screening criteria does not currently cover Metsä Wood’s core business and sustainable products. As a result, taxonomy-eligible economic activities account for only a minor share of our sales. Metsä Wood’s main business consists of wood products. So far, the company does not know the schedule and the extent to which its main business operations can be included in the scope of the taxonomy.

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