Risks and opportunities

Promoting sustainability supports Metsä Board's business and its development. However, there are risks associated with climate change, for example. Managing these risks is part of our day-to-day processes.

Sustainability related opportunities

The circular economy, the mitigation of climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy all create new business opportunities. Our strengths in these areas include:

Renewable, fossil free raw materials: our main raw material, wood fibre, is renewable and comes from sustainably managed Northern European forests. Our goal is to phase out all fossil oil-based raw materials and packaging materials by the end of 2030.

Clean, efficient production: Our lightweight paperboards, produced mainly with fossil free energy, help to reduce the environmental impact of packaging. Our goal is to eliminate the use of fossil-based energy in our production by the end of 2030 and to make more efficient use of materials, water and energy.

Safe, recyclable products: our paperboards are recyclable and/or compostable and are a viable alternative to packaging materials such as plastic. Fresh fibre paperboard is also a safe choice because it does not contain unknown chemical residues that are restricted in applications such as food packaging.

Sustainability risks

Climate change and the loss of biodiversity, for example, also involve risks. At Metsä Board, these risks particularly concern forests and the use of energy and water. The supply of and demand for products in a low-carbon economy may also change in the future. 

The management of risks related to sustainability, such as climate risks, is included in Metsä Board's general risk management process. The company's Board of Directors, the CEO, the Corporate Management Team and the Vice President of Risk Management, as well as representatives from our business operations and support functions, all participate in risk management. Risk management is essentially related to Metsä Board's normal business planning and management, and is part of our day-to-day decision-making, monitoring of operations and internal control processes to ensure that the company achieves its targets.

Read more in our Sustainability Statement.

Learn more about risks